August 24, 2010

Take me out to the ball game....

Taylor was given the chance to go to a SLC Bees game in Utah on the 19th with a couple of his buddies and his 2 baseball coaches from this past summer. He had a "ball"!! Even though the Bees lost, it was still an awesome experience for him.
The two things that he was most excited about were:

What a great experience for a boy of his age to have!

August 20, 2010

I hope I have been there

As I watched this message, I began to question myself as a parent. Have I been there ENOUGH for my children? Have I really listened to them, have I taught them things that will leave a lasting impression? I HOPE I have... I have given my all when I could, even through tough times. I hope they realize that I will try my hardest as a parent and love them unconditionally. I as pondered on this awhile, I felt  reassurance come over me. I feel like I have been there, but as we move forward, I am going to make it a point to be there MORE than ever, and listen to every hope, dream, and fear they have. As I watch them become young adolescents, I know of the temptations they will face and I want to help guide them in making the right choices when they will be so impressionable.

August 11, 2010

A Magical Summer's Night

We had YW's last night, and what a wonderful evening had by all. We started at Margaret's house watching Summer Magic with popcorn and taffy. This movie is SOOO cute!! I thought I had seen all of Hayley Mill's movies, guess not.
After the movie we headed to the to Carol's home to play an old-fashioned game of croquet. It was so much fun to watch the girls play this game and have fun doing it. I had so much fun myself as I had not played this game since I was their age.
We got done just as darkness fell. What a great evening!
Thank you girls!!

August 06, 2010

Bringin' in the BLUE

Taylor entered a zucchini from his vegetable garden and it took a
He also received a BLUE AWARD on his 4-H binder that he put together.

A Morning at the Fair

This morning was 4-H Swine Fitting & Showing at the South Bannock County Fair.
They had weigh-in on Wednesday morning and Taylor's pig weighed in at a
He showed in the Junior Class Division, being his first year in 4-H.
Here he is showing for "QUALITY"
I am so proud of him, he did an AMAZING JOB!!
He recieved a Yellow Ribbon
Showing us his number
Showing for Fitting & Showing

He received 2nd Place with a Red Ribbon
in the "QUALITY" division